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Beautiful Nature

Natural Health & Vitality Guidance 

Our Vision | Our Mission

At natURe, our mission is to be a guiding light for individuals and businesses on the journey to rediscover their deep connection with nature, both within themselves and in the world around them.


We empower high performers and forward-thinking organizations to optimize their performance by fostering a holistic connection between personal and organizational wellness. Through personalized guidance and sustainable practices, we inspire vitality, harmony, and a profound sense of well-being, creating a more vibrant and interconnected environment at both an individual and organizational level.

Home: Welcome

Just Starting Out?

If you are new to, or just becoming interested in reclaiming your health, improving vitality, &/or enhancing your performance, check out our natURal Vitality Starter Kit. This tool kit includes information on topics such as: improving sleep, enhancing stress management & resilience, nutrition, movement, + more.


Want To Go Deeper?

You know the basics but want to dive deeper into the concepts and practicality within each concept like: how to design your light environment for health, principles to improve your mitochondrial & hormonal health, practices to build your stress capacity, developing a nutrition plan to fuel your performance, creating a movement plan to enhance your physique and vitality,  + more... check out our online programs!


Want to Connect?

If you want personalized guidance on integrating the concepts of natURal health & vitality into your life to create real change & transformation in your health and performance, we would love to help! Learn how we can best guide you through the adventure towards natURal health & vitality!


About Us

Our Experience, Our Passion

Hey tribe,

My name is Mason Steffen, and I am a former collegiate athlete and current Holistic Health & Vitality Coach for high performing and busy professionals. For much of my life I have dealt with performance & social anxiety which left me feeling inadequate, unworthy, and disconnected from my mind & body. I was unhappy with myself and didn't feel any sense of purpose or connection with the world. I decided that I needed to take back my health, my wellness into my own hands. I have spent the last 4 years exploring, discovering, and creating my own personal practices that help me foster a better connection with my nature & environment: internal and external.


Through developing simple lifestyle habits and practices that are more in alignment with more natural living, I have found that it has helped me find meaning & purpose, reconnect with my mind & body and have enabled me to express my best self in my life! I then studied, and became certified in, nutritional & holistic health coaching through The Institute of Transformational Nutrition, breath-work, meditation, and yin yoga instructor through the Loka Yoga School, and am currently studying to become a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.


I feel a true passion and purpose for leading others to reconnect with their nature, both internally and externally, through natural lifestyle principles/practices: natural nutrition, playful movement, breath-work & breath training, mindfulness practices, outdoor/nature immersions, quality sleep, and hot & cold exposure. I believe through living in more alignment with how nature intended, with what our biology has evolved with, and developing a reconnection with ourselves and our environment we can begin to express and show up as our best version of ourselves in whatever endeavors our life gifts us!

Image by David Marcu


Read what people I have worked with have to say about their health & wellness experience with me

"I have learned so much about the importance of physical mobility and mental training from Mason. Not only has it helped me become a better athlete, but it has also improved my ability to focus and stay solid mentally during competition. I have had knee pain from my many years of playing basketball and Mason’s stretching and physical mobility work has helped alleviate that pain. Mason’s knowledge about basketball and physical mobility is unmatched. Any athlete, especially basketball players can benefit from his coaching"


Jack Middleton

Point Guard at University of Minnesota Duluth

Image by David Marcu

"You don't need to live in nature to live naturally"-Tony Riddle

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