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Self-Programming - The Key to Embodying the King or Queen Archetype

What is Self-Programming?

In short, self-programming is allowing your thoughts, emotions, and actions to arise from within you rather than allowing them to be dictated by the external world (environment). It requires the internal balance of one’s psyche. It certainly is not easy to do, that is why most of us never reach the king or queen archetype.

The child archetype’s parental figures are its biological parents. The warrior archetype’s parental figures are either the church or the state (or both). The king/queen archetype’s parental figures come from the internal balance of the masculine and feminine energies within. They achieve a state of internal monarchy (one ruler within) when they align their thoughts, emotions, and actions towards their authentic goals.

Genetics vs. Epigenetics

Most people erroneously believe that we are doomed to our genetic fate as well as the environmental factors that led us to become who we are today. In other words, we have a given set of genetics from nature (our biological parents) and a given set of experiences and environment influences in our past that has nurtured us into who we are now. Although the above statement is true, it’s not the entire story …

We now understand that only about 1-5% of our genetic destiny is determined by our genes from birth. Scientists have termed the other 95% of DNA junk DNA. Science is always changing this number, but the important part is that we are mostly the ones in control of our fate if we want to be.

Fortunately, mother nature wouldn’t put herself through hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution to have 95% of our DNA be considered junk. In reality, this junk DNA allows us to do epigenetic (epi-above) self-programming by allowing our thoughts, emotions, and actions to align to our authentic desire.

Since, our internal world IS the external world of the cell. When we begin to do self-programming, our cell’s external environment becomes that of the desired reality that we want. Thus, our cells are epigenetically signaled to begin production of proteins that are required for our desired dream (authentic desire) state to manifest.

Given enough time, and enough self-programming, the body begins to look, feel, and behave as the image of the desired vision. The individual has successfully aligned their thoughts (intention), emotions (magnetic field), and actions (subconscious programming) to signal to their genes to become the image of their desired reality. The knowledge of this process and continual discipline is what sets apart the warrior archetype from the king/queen archetype.

How to Program Yourself

The king or queen can be thought of as the warrior archetype who has encountered a significant amount of success in their lives. The distinction that sets apart the warrior from the king/queen is the vision. A warrior is able to stand up for a set of values, however, the alignment of thoughts, emotions, and actions is difficult for the warrior.

The king/queen is able to see their own potential and doesn’t look to anything outside of

themselves (external parental figures) for guidance. They find their guidance from within. They are able to create themselves out of their own internal masculine and feminine energies. This requires a truly balanced psyche.

As some may already know, the left-hemisphere of the neocortex of our brain corresponds to linear, logical, masculine thought processes while the right-hemisphere of our brain corresponds with creative, holistic, feminine thought processes. If we look more closely at the word “intelligence” we see that it comes from two root words. “Intelli'' comes from the word intellect which corresponds to the ability of the left-hemisphere while “gence” comes from the word genere which means “to generate” or “to create” which corresponds to the creative ability of the right-hemisphere.

To understand the word intelligence is to understand the balanced symphony of our mind. It requires us to allow the masculine and feminine polarities of mind to work in harmony and unison to align our thoughts, emotions, and actions into a single vision. To realize a state of internal monarchy (one ruler within) rather than internal confusion.

Taking Your Unique-Risk

When we have achieved internal monarchy, we no longer need external authority figures to tell us what to think, feel, and do. Whether they be our biological parents or societal parents (church and state). We are able to embark on our own trail of the hero’s journey. Which requires us to take on our unique risk.

Since at this point we have an unwavering vision of our desired reality, when we encounter the dragon of our unique risk, we will not get scared and head back to the safety of home. Whatever your unique risk may be, it will certainly be defeated by somebody with an unwavering vision and internal monarchy.

When the warrior archetype embarks on the hero’s journey without a rock solid vision and internal monarchy, the dragon of his/her unique risk will be too much to handle. The warrior will need to go back to safety, begin the process of self-programming, and ultimately become the king/queen archetype before going back out to face the dragon once more.

Read next: "Finding Your Authentic Desire"

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