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The Best Way to Travel - The 3 Things to Remember

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

Oftentimes we think we must travel like everybody else. See the main tourist sites, take pictures of the local food before eating, and lug around our massive suitcases to the next hotel. There are old and outdated beliefs that do nothing other than detract from the travel experience.

Of course, learning about the history, culture, and way of life of a certain culture is certainly important. However, we enjoy taking the trail off the beaten path in order to experience the true gems that any location has to offer. If you want to learn how to travel like us natUre men, then keep reading.

1. DON’T check a bag when flying!!!

It’s completely unnecessary no matter how long your trip is. It’s expensive, bulky, and it slows you down. A single carry-on backpack will always be sufficient. It saves time at airports, and it keeps you in fantastic shape during your travels. It’s incredibly easy to find laundry services or laundromats no matter where you are traveling. I myself have traveled to over fifty countries with nothing more than my 30 liter backpack with absolutely no issues in terms of gear. Pack light and move quickly my friends.

2. Make Nature the focal point of the trip

Depending on the type of travel you are embarking on, its important to make nature the focal point of the trip. Seeing all of the monuments, statues, architecture, and landmarks isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be. Of course it is interesting, but you will mostly find other tourists taking pictures of sites that they know nothing about. When going on hikes or other nature excursions, it’s important to listen to podcasts or read articles about the area (especially its history). Then, when coming back into town for the night, you will be able to have a general understanding of the area’s history and important landmarks.

3. Sleep in Hostels or Airbnb's -- NOT Hotels

Sleep in hostels, NOT hotels. Many people are weary of hostels because they have a reputation for being unclean as well as that pesky roommate who snores all night long. However, hostels allow you to meet locals as well as fellow travelers who can give invaluable information about things to do and sites to see. If you want a peaceful night of sleep, then book a private room within a hostel. Most hostels offer private rooms, and they are still cheaper than most hotels. My favorite app for booking hostels is HostelWorld (no they aren’t sponsored) and it’s the only app you will need for accommodation just about anywhere in the world. When traveling in a group, Airbnb's are a fantastic option as well. Also, it allows for extra money for transportation to extend your travels and see more places.

There’s no need to book everything in advance and have a strict and detailed itinerary for your journey. The best experiences I have had traveling occurred when I was able to be spontaneous and join another group on their next day trip. I have countless memories and stories to tell by allowing myself the freedom to live in the moment. I’m not saying to throw a dart at a map and book a flight wherever the dart lands! However, it’s certainly important to plan your journey in such a way that allows for significant amounts of flexibility. As a wise person once said, “If you want to make god laugh, show him your plans.”

Physiological Health Benefit of Travel: Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor

Lastly, the health and wellness benefits of travel can be profound. The exposure to different microbiomes, interaction with people of different upbringings, and movement through our great planet are all beneficial. The link between movement and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is absolutely crucial for the health of an individual’s body, mind, and spirit. BDNF promotes the plasticity of our nerve cells in our spinal column and brain. It allows us to learn and remember things more easily.

The importance of the brain can be found in natURe. One example of this is the curious life of a sea squirt. This aquatic organism begins its life as a tadpole swimming in the ocean. At this point, it uses its brain and eye to move around the ocean until it finds a suitable place to spend the rest of its life. When it does, it cements itself headfirst to a rock or coral and immediately digests its own brain and eye. This is because these things are no longer necessary because it has no intention of moving about its environment. Although us humans are a little more complex than a sea squirt. We can confidently say that if we want to keep a healthy brain, we must continue to move, travel, and explore our environment or we may risk losing our minds!!!

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